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The Complete Guide to getting Started with facebook Ads-

Facebook Ads Manager-


Facebook is one of the most popular social media platform . Where we can connect with different people online . Share Post , photos with them , Playing games with friends, also find old Friends, Create Events and Make memories. But another most important use of Facebook is , we can promote or develop our Business with the help of Facebook . Facebook is the best platform for developing your Business in efficient way . Facebook provide some tools for advertising your Business like Facebook Ads Manager. Facebook Ads Manager is tool for advertising of your business ,where you can Create and Manage Your Facebook Ads. Also You can Make changes in it and See Result.

How create Facebook Ads 

Facebook ads is a best way to connecting your customer. 

• For creating Facebook ads , first you have to log in your Facebook Account. 

• If you already have a Facebook business page then you can go into the Facebook Ads Manager or Business Manager to create your Facebook ad campaign. If you don’t yet have a business page, then you’ll need to create one first.

 • There are some steps for creating Facebook Ads .

 • Following are some step

1. Search for Facebook Ads Manager in Google Search Bar And open 1st Link

2. Click On first site facebook  Ads Manager op

3. Now you can see Facebook ads Manager dashboard . Where all your campaign , ad sets and ad will be listed with result. If your are new your then your dashboard is empty. To create new campaign, click on create Button.

4. Select Campaign type :
 After Clicking on create button you can see list of different campaign . 
There are 3 Types of Parent Campaign. 
I. Awareness : Help People to Discover your Brand.
1. Brand Awareness : Show your ads to people who are most likely to remember them.
2. Reach : Show your ads to the maximum number of people.

II. Consideration : 
Consideration Means Communicate with your Customer about your Product. 
Traffic : Send people to a page of your website.
 Engagement : Get more Page likes, event responses, or post reacts, comments or shares. 
App Installation : Show your ad to people most likely to download and engage with your app.
Video Ads : Show people video ads. 
Lead Generation : Collect leads for your business or brand.
 Message : Show people ads that allow them to engage with you on Messenger, WhatsApp, or Instagram Direct

III. Conversion : Conversion means actual Product Selling
 Conversion : Show your ads to people most likely to take valuable actions, like making a purchase or adding payment info, on your website, app or in Messenger.
 Catalog Sales : Use your target audience to show people ads with items from your catalog.
 Store Traffic : Show your ad to people most likely to visit your physical stores when they're near the.

5.Choose a Campaign Objective : Here we select Lead Generation Objective . And click on Continue. 

6. Enter Campaign Name : Enter Campaign Name And Click on Next . This name is only visible for you. 
7. Enter the ad set Name and Lead Method : Selecting Lead Method means, How do you want to connect with people? Via Form or Call

8. Choose Facebook page : Choose your Facebook page if you have already created . If you don’t have Facebook page then you’ll need to create it.

9.Set Budget and Schedule : 
Budget : There are 2 types of Budget
 Daily Budget : A daily budget is the average you'll spend every day. Your budget must be at least ₹74.36 otherwise your ads may not deliver. 
Lifetime Budget : A lifetime budget is the maximum you'll spend during the lifetime of your ad set. Schedule : You can choose to run your ads continuously starting today or only during a specific date range. Set Start Date and End Date And Time

10.Target Audience : Define who you want to see your ads.
 Location : Select one or more Lcoaction whare you want to show your ad.
 Age : Select the minimum and maximum age of the people who will find your ad relevant. Lead ads may only target people who are at least 18 years old. 
Gender : Show your ads to either men or women, or select All for both.

11.Detailed Targeting :Define your audience by including or excluding demographics, interests and behaviours.
Demographics : Reach people based on their Current Status and Background . 
Interest :Reach specific audiences by looking at their interests, activities, the Pages they have liked and closely related topics. 
Behaviours : Reach people based on purchase behaviors or intents, device usage and more.

Audience Definition : After Targeting People you can see Potential reach and Estimated Result 

Reach : This is the number of people we estimate you'll reach in your audience each day. 

Leads : This is the number of leads that we estimate you can get each day based on your campaign performance and estimated daily reach.
12. Select Placement : Select Placement For Where you want to Show your Add . and click on Next Button Automatic
 Placement : Facebook Recommended Automatic Placement . Use Automatic Placement to maximize your budget and help show ad to more people . 
Manual Placement : you can choose manually places to show your ad , on multiple platform like Facebook , Instagram ,Massenger and Audience Network . The more placement you select you can reach more targeted audiences and achieve your Business goal. 

13. Enter Ad Name
14. Choose ad Format : Choose your ad structure 
Single Image or Video : If you want to show one image or Video or slide show of multiple images. then select Single image or video
 Carousal : If you want to show 2 or more scrollable images or videos then select Carousal. 

15 . Primary Name : The primary text for your ad appears in most placements, though the position varies.
16. Headline : The headline will appear in most placements, but its position will vary by placement. It is optional.

 17. Description : Add additional Description . It is optional. 

18. Display Link : Enter the link which you want to show in your ad.

 19. Call to Action : Show a button or link on your ad that represents the action you want people to take

20. Select Question format : Choose how you'd like to collect information from people after they click on your ad. 
Instant Form : Use a form that people can quickly fill out and submit. 
Automated Chat : Use a messaging template to ask questions. Then follow up with leads in the same chat

22.Background Image : Choose a image which will display in behind the Form.

 23. Greeting : Lets People know why people should complete your form. Enter Headline and Description.
24. Add Custom Questions : Ask for responses to questions that matter to your business. You can add diffrent types of question like Multiple Choice , Short Answer , Conditional and Appointment Request

25. Privacy policy : Because you will be collecting customer information, you need to include a link to your company's privacy policy. Your link will appear with Facebook's default privacy disclaimer. Enter link and link Text.

26 .Now your ad is Completed. You Can publish it clicking on Publish Button .
 After Publishing It will go into review . 
It May take some Time for Running.
 After Publishing you can see your ad details on dashboard If you want to make changes you can Edit ad.

Thanks for reading! I hope you find to be a useful guide for getting set up with Facebook Ads and I hope our blogs also prove to be a handy measuring stick for what can be achieved on a limited budget.

I’d love to continue the conversation with you in the comments below. What has been the best success you’ve found with Facebook Ads? What are your top tips for creating brilliant ads?
